Career Development recognizes that students with disabilities often have unique situations and specific questions relating to navigating their career exploration and planning, or internship and job searches. Deciding when, how, and if to disclose a disability varies to each individual. Career Development is here to help! Call (507-933-7575) or stop in to schedule an appointment with a Career Development Specialist.
Students With Disabilities
Quick Tips
- Be aware of the laws of the cities, states and countries in which you’re applying. Some interview questions and workplace behaviors are illegal. For state and federal policies related to accommodations for people on the job, see Ask JAN.
- Call a company’s Human Resources office from an anonymous number to discuss hypotheticals that may apply to you to get a sense where the company stands. It won’t be connected to your application and you’ll be able to decide if it is somewhere you want to apply to, interview at, or work for.
AAPD Summer Internship Program
American Foundation for the Blind – CareerConnect
Big Interview Neurodiversity Playbook (From the Learn Page, go to Interview Playbooks)
Candid Career Videos
Career Opportunities for Students with Disabilities
Careers and the disABLED (digital magazine) Guide to Employment
Facts about the Americans with Disabilities Act for Job Seekers
Job Accomodation Network (AskJAN)
Arts and Communication
Government and Social Services
- Government Disability Employment
- Federal Diversity Internship Initiative
- Workforce Recruitment Program
- The American Association of People with Disabilities Internship Program
Health Professions
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math
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