Sophia Nelson ’23

Gustavus Adolphus College: Where Success Stories Begin

Northwestern University, Ph.D. Candidate

Major: Mathematics & Biochemistry

Tell us more about your accomplishment.

I am a first-year student in the Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics Ph.D. program at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. The focus of my research is mathematical biology and fluid dynamics.

Why did you choose Gustavus Adolphus College?

I chose Gustavus because I had heard great things about their mathematics and biochemistry programs. I knew that I wanted to study both of these subjects, and Gustavus offered me the opportunity to double major while still being involved in extracurricular activities and maintaining a social life.

How have Faculty helped you become career-ready?

My advisors and professors from both majors played a significant role in helping me get where I am today. During my time at Gustavus, my math advisors provided me with helpful guidance in finding research opportunities. They also played a crucial role in my graduate school application process, particularly in selecting a program that best suited my strengths. Meanwhile, my biochemistry professors helped me think about combining my knowledge from both disciplines to help me launch my career.

What was your most meaningful experience at Gustavus and why?

One of my most significant experiences at Gustavus was studying abroad in Australia during my senior year. The opportunity to experience higher education in another country, conduct research at Griffith University, meet students from diverse cultural backgrounds, and travel to some of the most beautiful places in the world was truly transformative. This experience broadened my perspective and taught me valuable life lessons.

What steps did you take to achieve your accomplishment?

While at Gustavus, I pursued a double major in biochemistry and mathematics since I was interested in mathematical biology research. As a sophomore, I started searching for research opportunities in applied mathematics and was fortunate enough to be accepted into the University of California, Davis Mathematics Research Experience for Undergraduates. During the summer following my sophomore year, I collaborated with professors and students on a project investigating the mathematical modeling of swimming microorganisms. I continued this research throughout my junior year and presented it at various conferences. During my senior year, I took on another research project in applied mathematics, explicitly developing numerical integration methods applicable to plasma physics models that became my Honor’s Thesis. This research was conducted with a professor at Griffith University in Gold Coast, Australia, where I studied abroad in my senior year. In addition to these research opportunities, I performed well in my Gustavus classes and established connections with my peers and professors. I received acceptance letters from several Ph.D. programs in applied mathematics and spent my senior year’s spring semester visiting them to determine the best fit. Eventually, I chose Northwestern and am finishing my first quarter here. I couldn’t be happier with my decision.

Which mentor has influenced you most, and in what way?

I was fortunate to have two influential math professors, Jeff Ford and Tom LoFaro. Jeff Ford was the one who taught the first math class I took at Gustavus, and it quickly became my favorite class. I was so excited that I decided to pursue an independent study with him the following semester. Tom LoFaro was crucial in getting me interested in applied mathematics and dynamical systems, now my current focus area. Jeff and Tom are incredibly passionate about mathematics, and their excitement is contagious. They were excellent advisors and mentors during my time at Gustavus, and I credit much of my success at Gustavus to their teaching and guidance.

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By Hector Aguilar
Hector Aguilar Assistant Director for Outcomes and Strategic Initiatives