Building Your First Résumé Worksheet
- School:
- Degree:
- Major:
- Minor:
- GPA:
- Expected Graduation Date:
- Academic Achievements: (academic awards, scholarships, recognitions, etc.)
Organization Name 1:
- My title and duties:
- Skills I learned and developed:
- How I contributed through my volunteerism:
Organization Name 2:
- My title and duties:
- Skills I learned and developed:
- How I contributed through my volunteerism:
Organization Name 1:
- My title and duties:
- Skills I learned and developed:
- How I contributed through my leadership:
Organization Name 2:
- My title and duties:
- Skills I learned and developed:
- How I contributed through my leadership:
Organization Name 1:
- My title and duties:
- Skills I learned and developed:
- How I contributed through my membership:
Organization Name 2:
- My title and duties:
- Skills I learned and developed:
- How I contributed through my membership:
Organization Name 1:
- My title:
- My duties:
- What I did well:
- How I know I was a good employee/intern:
- What I am most proud of:
Organization Name 2:
- My title:
- My duties:
- What I did well:
- How I know I was a good employee/intern:
- What I am most proud of:
Study Abroad:
- Where:
- When and length of stay:
- What I studied:
- What I learned and experienced:
Research Experience:
- Organization Name:
- My title:
- My duties:
- What I did well:
- How I know I was effective as a researcher:
- What I am most proud of:
Important Coursework:
- Name of major project/paper/research/experience:
- What I accomplished:
- How my knowledge increased: